Hi ~ I’m Julia!
I’m a former non-profit professional and more recently, a stay-at-home mom. After quitting my non-profit career to stay home, I never imagined I would end up being home for 4 years! I looked for work, but then of course, Covid happened. Even though it was frustrating, and financially tight for us, for the first time in my life I actually had time to really do some soul-searching. And you know what? The thought of returning to a regular 8-5 job after being home for four years, made me feel knots in my stomach. These past few years I’ve been able to really be there for my daughter, in ways that my own parents could only dream of. One of my first thoughts was to start a business…but what?…I did think of something, but I’ve had to shelve that idea for now. So, after digging deep, I went with something I had actually thought of doing right after my daughter was born. I decided to get my real estate license.
After starting the classes, I quickly realized that I needed a way to keep all of the requirements, steps, and helpful tips organized. And I thought, “Why not help others along the way by bringing them along on my journey?!” So the idea for this blog was born!
I do not intend for this blog to be a bunch of boring real estate articles. That’s why I’m also including some of my lifestyle interests: books, gardening, and I will most likely add more categories as I grow. Please feel free to comment on ideas for future posts!
The real estate industry will keep me plenty busy, and so will this blog! But I feel ready. The time is now!